Thursday, August 28, 2008

280808; end of exams/start of holidays and the date is such a nice number

ah, what better way to end off the examinations than with a paper which i am confident of getting at least a B grade or better. how i wish life was always this good. three cheers and a glass of champagne for mr alan tham, your tips were the best, seriously. unlike some lecturers... (read: ACC)

the exam period (2 weeks) had been a hell of a time for me. almost every paper i had was out to kill me. i actually felt depressed doing the papers. especially engineering maths 3. that was total bullshit. the past year papers were so freaking easy, you'd think they were primary school practise worksheets. even without really paying attention in class, the formula booklet and a working brain would suffice for those papers. but during the actual thing, reality gave me a wake-up call. i was thrown off-guard. i was completely in the paper's mercy. one part of me just wanted to tear up the paper so bad, even the setter wouldn't be able to recognize it if he managed to piece the bits back together. but i couldn't. i couldn't bear the see my hopes dashed right infront of my very eyes, my brain being the mastermind and hands the accomplices.

the open window seemed ever so inviting that day, calling me, to ascend (or rather, to descend) upon the pathway to freedom.

procrastination. when will i ever be able to overcome this obstacle, standing in my way to success (and a higher GPA)? even though i know all too well the responsibility lies upon my shoulders, i couldn't care less about it. i neglected it, and let it overwhelm me, until i became the lazy and half-hearted asshole of a person whose revision philosophies and principles were "last minute revision sure can one lah, steady". i've wronged myself.

i need change. will it come? i can only stand by and await its arrival. and i hope it makes a grand entrance.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

170808; screw the exams and it's another short post!

yes, fuck the exams. fuck the no-study-break-which-means-i-am-so-gonna-flunk-my-papers system now. fuck the new principal. give us longer mid semester break for fuck? that means we no longer have about one or two weeks worth of time to revise for our papers. what's more, we have to complete reports and all kinds of shit RIGHT before our exams. how smart of you.
sure was a mistake on my part to procrastinate, but still, FUCK YOU! :D

a preview of how i'm gonna my semester vacations: -
  • swimming at least 2-3 times a week
  • gym once a week
  • no fucking idea right now
okay, let's do this.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

050808; short post yarly

dang how i wished i had went for singfest. the atmosphere there was so crazy and high man! but i got put off by the really expensive ticket prices though... -sigh-

rwp to be in by tomorrow, i think i'm gonna be penalised very heavily for plagiarism. i mean there's like tonnes of technical terms and terminology in the info i researched on, how the hell am i supposed to rephrase those "chimology"?! gah, i'm so relieved it's gonna end soon.

like i promised, short post. heh.