Tuesday, October 27, 2009


like finally.

loads of stuff to mention.

first up, my first overseas trip after 5/6 years. last time i went out of singapore was in secondary three (if i remember correctly). had to apply for a new passport since the old one was defunct already. armed with the new passport, i was ready to go to phuket, and it was my first time being there too. awesome place. travelled on air asia, stayed at andatel patong hotel, had white water rafting, atv rides, snorkelling, swimming, clubbing, drinking. basically we just let ourselves loose there. went all crazy and stuff.
only problem were the people tend to get too "sticky" and are fucking persistent. the only way to refuse them would be to put on a murderous face and say something equivalent to "fuck off".
photos here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=27064&id=1600931169&l=cc76211ee5
not alot of them because it would be suicidal to bring my handphone (pics taken with my pixon) on such extensive water-based activities. just a couple of group shots and some of the scenery when we had to climb up and get a peek of a waterfall, and several shots of the beach.

rest of the holidays were spent mostly on fyp. fucking fyp. fucked up.

next came timbre. belated celebrations for me and ben's birthdays. had the usual roast duck pizzas, happy hour drinks.
but on that day we tried something different as well. we had a couple of shots. first challenge, b-52 shots. tasted like milo, easy on the throat, mild effect. i felt nothing though.
then shaohui dared us to try barcadi 151 shots. said something like he had it in china and nearly died (or was it uva?) and so we partaked in the barcadid 151 challenge. had a teeny weeny sip at first, and fuck, my entire mouth literally felt like it was lit on fire. several minutes later, we braced ourselves. prepared for the one big gulp. down the alcohol went. goddammit i nearly choked and coughed my insides out. throat went completely dry and it was like having a sore throat for the next half an hour or so. uva the coward drank the shot in halves. noob. LOL.
supposedly the strongest shot (claimed by uva and shaohui), but it didn't really take its toll on me. think i would prefer tequila pops any time.
oh yes, photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=29146&id=1600931169&l=b00c5695f8

that's about it for now, i guess.
really want to go for another overseas trip, this time, hopefully to taiwan or japan.