Saturday, November 29, 2008

291108; fuck terrorism

just yesterday, one of our fellow countrymen died at the hands of terrorists who raided the some hotel in mumbai, india.

RIP fellow singaporean, and my deepest condolences to the family, relatives and friends of the victim. the victim (a female) was held hostage at the hotel she was accommodating at when terrorists attacked the city a couple of days ago, lobbing hand grenades and firing their guns at people. she suffered a tragic death yesterday, and news came in sometime at night (i think).

i'm still not too sure about what really happened, because i was away enjoying myself at the kallang cage, but when i reached home and surfed sgclub, such shocking news greeted me. i was appalled. despite the singaporean government's desperate attempts to salvage the hostage situation (in such cases, the priority of getting your citizens safely out of the danger zone comes first), but to think the terrorists had actually went on to kill the woman, i was truly angered. those assholes deserve to be labelled as animals, and that is already humble enough. the act itself was absolutely inhumane. there was no ultimatum, nothing was said and poof, she's gone. perhaps much of the truth has been hidden from the scrutiny of the singaporean public by the government, but still, such cowardly tactics is uncalled and unjustified. an innocent bystander caught up in the tangles of extremism and insanity, so-called "correction for the good of the world"?

immature as my next line might be, but i hope these scums of the earth die a horrible death, and maybe a photograph of them dying in positions that suggest they were having anal sex with each other could provide some comical relief.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

251108; i'm back

i hate catia. i seriously find it meaningless to assess us on catia when,

1. we don't have the program at home
2. the school cannot afford to provide us with the program because it costs over a thousand dollars
3. "download torrent one la". yes, anybody could have thought of that, but please, downloading that kinda stuff IS ILLEGAL, and i suppose teachers are smart enough to know that, RIGHT?
4. "FREEEEE access, go for it!" fuck, it's free access, but most of the time we cannot book the workstations because there are lessons going on! wonderful indeed.

next, i strongly believe it's time for sp to reconsider improving some of the facilities in campus. take the field near foodcourt 5 for example. it's not even fucking green anymore. there are brown mud patches all over. when it rains, these patches collect water and if you decide to play soccer there, i tell you, you would be better off swimming.

the wireless connectivity. p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. it takes ever so long just to connect to the wireless network, and on top of that, the speed is downright SLOW. loading youtube's main page can take up to 3-5 minutes. buffering a youtube video? forget it, go play some games you have in your laptop better la.

speaking of laptop, i have no idea why they made the purchase of one compulsory. i seldom use it for school work or admin stuff. my laptop was never meant for gaming but i guess it's place and role in my school life had changed. it has brought me such entertainment and fun (yes, even during lessons). the games that used to lag like shit on my old desktop, i could now play them smoothly (or rather, quite smoothly) on the laptop. and fuck, why do hardware prices depreciate so quickly. it cost about a few hundreds less (~$1400) than the price of my laptop (~$1800) and the specs are sooo much better than the high-end model they offered in my enrolment year (fyi, my model is the low-end one, the high-end model cost ~$2100 iirc).

too much rants going on in my thoughts, now it feels good that i have let off abit of steam. lol.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

151108; amazing-ness

seems like kelvin ong, our acc lecturer for the previous sem, wasn't just all-talk-no-action. he's actually pretty good in football. i actually have nothing but praises for his goalkeeping. he knows how to make himself appear big in front of goal and in 1-on-1 situations. he may not be a good lecturer, but he does know how to have fun. i was thinking he could have been better off being a teacher dedicated to one cca (soccer? hehe) instead of having to teach acc, LOL.

i have also learnt never ever to underestimate people again. I GOT OWNED BY PEOPLE NEARLY TWICE MY AGE OMGWTFLOL. but seriously, both the sp and tp staff were good. i am from sp, however as much as i wish to take the side of my school, i would have to admit tp was the better team of the match. perhaps they train regularly, and the amount of stamina they have, brilliant i would say. i was almost breathless ONLY AFTER 15-20 minutes of play, SUCKY SIOL.

i hope there's another match next week, i'm really eager to play.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

131108; rain, rain and more rain, urgh

was wondering if i should get myself a camera so i can fill up my blog with some pictures, other than having to read walls of text (wot), which really gets boring after some time.
yes i feel your pain, my readers!
if i even had readers to begin with.

guess i should wait til 27th november for sitex at the singapore expo and purchase a decent digital camera (or maybe even a canon/nikon dslr?! screw yourself, alex). hmm, budget... perhaps, a range of $300-500 would be good enough? anyway it's not like i'm taking up photography; figured it would kinda be more meaningful to take down some candid or beautiful moments of my rather eventless life...

right after typing out this post, my mind is kinda half-decided on getting a camera already. beat down the impulse just yet, alex!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

081108; symmetry!

rant 1
never got to playing soccer on friday, that event was... disappointing. it was 5v5 soccer but the area used was smaller than a street soccer court. i can't figure how 10 players can squeeze into the playing area and actually PLAY SOCCER IN IT. maybe that's the kinda standard you get since everything was free.

rant 2

rant 3
the new mcspicy patty - one word - bullshit. at first glance you would have mistaken it for a mcchicken. seriously, what the hell is wrong with the people at macdonalds nowadays? the size of the burgers are forever decreasing; mcspicy double was taken off the menu; the mcspicy patty before it was changed to the current was made up of 90% oil, and the rest being the meat itself. and now, this change to the new patty. it's absolutely uncalled for. it was so dry (oh maybe they were starting to get health conscious too, the drastic decrease in oil literally dripping from the burger was noticeable); the meat was hard (breast meat instead of the thigh?); and it doesn't deserve to be called mcspicy, because it wasn't, not one bit.

therefore, imma boycotting macs from now on, unless i have little choice.

argh, i couldn't score a single goal today, fucking disappointed with myself.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

021108; damn spurs


just a few days after liverpool broke the record at stamford bridge, tottenham broke the reds' unbeaten record for the league. it was really disappointing, especially seeing liverpool hold for so long, but they gave away possession too easily in the second half. add on a couple of unlucky shots which hit the bar instead in the back of the net, it was just depressing man.

it may only be a loss, but it can be significant. especially after you have had a great start to this season, and then a loss to a team from the bottom of the table, a team involved in so much controversy, i'm really afraid liverpool might lose it's momentum and fumble. but, i'm still hoping they can pick themselves up, because afterall, spurs did have quite a fair bit of luck with them.

again, there was no soccer this week, and my legs... well let's just say they will forever be itching for soccer. sometimes it makes me wonder why i never really started playing soccer when i was really young. the paper chase culture in singapore... haiz.