Thursday, November 13, 2008

131108; rain, rain and more rain, urgh

was wondering if i should get myself a camera so i can fill up my blog with some pictures, other than having to read walls of text (wot), which really gets boring after some time.
yes i feel your pain, my readers!
if i even had readers to begin with.

guess i should wait til 27th november for sitex at the singapore expo and purchase a decent digital camera (or maybe even a canon/nikon dslr?! screw yourself, alex). hmm, budget... perhaps, a range of $300-500 would be good enough? anyway it's not like i'm taking up photography; figured it would kinda be more meaningful to take down some candid or beautiful moments of my rather eventless life...

right after typing out this post, my mind is kinda half-decided on getting a camera already. beat down the impulse just yet, alex!

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