Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Confirmed to-buy list:
  • Headset (headphones + mic for my daily computing usage)
  • A pair of audiophile headphones (hopefully I can find one about the $100 range)
  • 250/320GB external hard disk (for mom to store her drama and stuff)
  • Wallet (Braun Buffel? Hehe)
Still-thinking-about-it list:
  • iPod Touch
  • Cap (those wide panels one)
  • Bag (backpack to be exact)
  • Clothes, especially tops
GAH. It's that season again. The Great Singapore Sale (GSS) period. The time which burns a huge hole in my wallet whenever I go out with friends. Last year, it was always about impulsive and last-minute shopping. This year it's going to be different. Controlled spending. No more buying of t-shirts, just because I didn't want to return home empty-handed, on the very last day of the GSS.

My legs are fucking itching. A week is plain torturous for them. And it's not just them. The fact that I have to wait for a week is also tormenting His Majesty up there, enclosed and protected by this thick skull of mine. Damn the compulsory conscription of males when they are of age on this tiny island.

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