Tuesday, October 27, 2009


like finally.

loads of stuff to mention.

first up, my first overseas trip after 5/6 years. last time i went out of singapore was in secondary three (if i remember correctly). had to apply for a new passport since the old one was defunct already. armed with the new passport, i was ready to go to phuket, and it was my first time being there too. awesome place. travelled on air asia, stayed at andatel patong hotel, had white water rafting, atv rides, snorkelling, swimming, clubbing, drinking. basically we just let ourselves loose there. went all crazy and stuff.
only problem were the people tend to get too "sticky" and are fucking persistent. the only way to refuse them would be to put on a murderous face and say something equivalent to "fuck off".
photos here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=27064&id=1600931169&l=cc76211ee5
not alot of them because it would be suicidal to bring my handphone (pics taken with my pixon) on such extensive water-based activities. just a couple of group shots and some of the scenery when we had to climb up and get a peek of a waterfall, and several shots of the beach.

rest of the holidays were spent mostly on fyp. fucking fyp. fucked up.

next came timbre. belated celebrations for me and ben's birthdays. had the usual roast duck pizzas, happy hour drinks.
but on that day we tried something different as well. we had a couple of shots. first challenge, b-52 shots. tasted like milo, easy on the throat, mild effect. i felt nothing though.
then shaohui dared us to try barcadi 151 shots. said something like he had it in china and nearly died (or was it uva?) and so we partaked in the barcadid 151 challenge. had a teeny weeny sip at first, and fuck, my entire mouth literally felt like it was lit on fire. several minutes later, we braced ourselves. prepared for the one big gulp. down the alcohol went. goddammit i nearly choked and coughed my insides out. throat went completely dry and it was like having a sore throat for the next half an hour or so. uva the coward drank the shot in halves. noob. LOL.
supposedly the strongest shot (claimed by uva and shaohui), but it didn't really take its toll on me. think i would prefer tequila pops any time.
oh yes, photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=29146&id=1600931169&l=b00c5695f8

that's about it for now, i guess.
really want to go for another overseas trip, this time, hopefully to taiwan or japan.

Monday, August 24, 2009

23 August 2009, Woodlands Ring Secondary

Our team's very first "proper" match. Wasn't that great (I mean our performance), but I wished I could have played more, unlimited substitutions you see.

Met the others at Admiralty MRT at 2pm, waited (as usual heh) for the latecomers, then proceeded to the school field for warm-up, briefing on formation and tactics (gawd I can't believe we were actually that serious... we even had those stuff on paper). Referee came along and we started the match pretty soon enough.

Lack of communication, being too kan chiong, plagued our game. Understandable though, because we never had any formal training, and it was the first time we were playing as a 11-man team, so I guess our confidence level were quite low at first. Conceded two goals but we cameback right up to bring the game level before halftime. Then conceded another in the second half. Gee, that really brought out our fighting spirit. But still, our communication was insufficient. Called every teammate on the pitch during the last several minutes to launch wave after wave of attacks on the opponent goal, but we simply couldn't take our chances. Argh, DULAN.

Final score: 3-2. Yes we lost, however we shall take it as a lesson learnt and what made it better was that everyone actually did some self-reflection and AAR (After Action Review) after the match. Well, we can only get stronger, faster and smarter after every game.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Projects. Reports. Presentations.

What the fuck. Give me a break will you?
Not only do we third-years have final year project (FYP) to contend with, there are numerous assignments to be done, and their weightage ain't small either. And these stuff just keep piling up.

Then there's GEMS which is stupid, and unfair to our batch because we were the last to have our GEMS score included in the semester GPA. And there are also the elective modules. Gosh, why the hell are they throwing all these shit at us in our final year when we are supposed to concentrate on our FYP?

Damn, I couldn't really be bothered already. Have yet to begin revision for the semester exams, holy shit.

July 26 @ National Stadium

A spectacular and magical night. One which I will never ever forget.
Rafa Benitez deserves a huge "Thank You" from all the KOP fans for fielding players like Reina, Carragher, Agger, Mascherano, Alonso, Riera and Torres. If only Gerrard was there that night. That would have totally made my day.

I can still hear the roar of the crowd (and screams of fan-girls amidst that) when Torres and Alonso came on. People yelling for Alonso to shoot as soon as he got the ball. The hot lady sitting right in front of me going crazy whenever the ball reached Torres' feet. And most of all, I can still hear myself singing "You'll Never Walk Alone" along with the tens of thousands of Liverpool fans. That was all it took to move me. The particular song ringing in my ears; it was like both the KOP and Anfield had arrived in Singapore.

It was the best experience of my life, so far. I couldn't ask for more, maybe except for Gerrard. XD

Til then, it's gonna be another dull day at school.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


the indescribable feeling of scoring goals at freewill. sliding the ball past the goal line, leaving the goalkeeper in no man's land. it's truly been too long, my friend.

i took into liberty to savour every single moment of it. as i raised my arms in triumph, and the faces of despair were imprinted onto my mind. what satisfaction. what joy. but let it get to my head, i must not.

it was a great boost to my confidence. and i shall add, it pays being selfish at times too. that's what being a striker is all about, isn't it. forever preying for goals, and taking full advantage of the opponent's mistakes. still i owe my gratitude to my teammates that day, they have been really supportive. and when they run over to congratulate me, it truly brightens my day.

simply unforgettable.

p.s. when will i ever get to buy my braun buffel wallet? :(

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Soccer was epic yesterday. Vulgarities and sweepings were flying in from everywhere. No cramps, but someone got injured in two different areas of his body though. Sucks to be him, really. I understand what it feels like - the anticipation for soccer after weeks of not playing and the initial BMT confinement period, the two weeks that serve as an orientation to regimental life. All these, totally killed off due to injuries obtained while playing the game which you had so wanted to get back into. And now you've got to answer to your superiors, there might be a chance of you to "re-course" (which means retaking BMT). If I were him, I would totally feel so fucked up.

I find myself getting more sluggish in my movements with each passing week. I shoot like crap. I can't finish cooly in one-on-one situations. My dribbling is pathetic. In short, I lack confidence these days. When I receive the ball, I feel insecure. I'm afraid of taking a shot because people might grumble and complain like it was a wrong decision to make.
Yesterday I tried to be selfless. There was an instance when I was fully capable of taking the goal for myself, but I saw a teammate in a much better position thus I passed the ball on to him. Guess what. He fluked it. But I won't blame him. There have been incidents in the past where I couldn't score even after the set-up was perfect and the goal was at such close proximity. And then I heard people saying I should have just taken the shot. I was utterly discouraged. No matter how selfishly or selflessly I played, the rantings just keep coming.

Are we humans really that shallow? Must we only lament on negativity and instead take positives for granted? Wrong decision or not, why do we not appreciate the thought put into it? A single sign of disapproval is enough to take my confidence level from skyhigh to the lowest depths of hell. And I start playing like shit. Then I get frustrated. Emo. Moody.

How do I deal with such distraction that continue haunting me as long as I touch the ball? Ignorance is bliss, but it is easier said than done.

Btw, congrats on reaching the end of this post without clicking the red X button on the top right corner of your screen. Would appreciate your input on this one too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Confirmed to-buy list:
  • Headset (headphones + mic for my daily computing usage)
  • A pair of audiophile headphones (hopefully I can find one about the $100 range)
  • 250/320GB external hard disk (for mom to store her drama and stuff)
  • Wallet (Braun Buffel? Hehe)
Still-thinking-about-it list:
  • iPod Touch
  • Cap (those wide panels one)
  • Bag (backpack to be exact)
  • Clothes, especially tops
GAH. It's that season again. The Great Singapore Sale (GSS) period. The time which burns a huge hole in my wallet whenever I go out with friends. Last year, it was always about impulsive and last-minute shopping. This year it's going to be different. Controlled spending. No more buying of t-shirts, just because I didn't want to return home empty-handed, on the very last day of the GSS.

My legs are fucking itching. A week is plain torturous for them. And it's not just them. The fact that I have to wait for a week is also tormenting His Majesty up there, enclosed and protected by this thick skull of mine. Damn the compulsory conscription of males when they are of age on this tiny island.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Well I guess it's kinda official (actually it was a long time ago but I just didn't wanna say it out).

Retrenchment has just arrived at the threshold of my family. Perhaps they are just putting on a strong front in front of us, but I find it a worrisome issue even if I know both of them to be extremely cautious and calculative in whatever they do. Currently, it's just one of them, but it could be both in the near future (or most certainly would be). I fear of being financially troubled in time to come; the slow yet steady onslaught of emotional turmoil that wears down chains in the family; fear of what the future has in store for us.

The thought of it all sickens me. Restricting and limiting my spendings, saving every single cent I can, argh, simply put - less of entertainment for you Mr. Lee. But I know, none of this can be compared to how they are feeling right now. Deep down inside they are probably dejected, worried and as fearful as I am. Right now they are planning of downgrading from our current 5-room flat to a 4-room one, and I guess should it really happen, it shall be the next milestone in my life.

Well, we'll have to see how it goes. I pray we pull through this tough time ahead of us; I pray we could all just have a happy ending.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Timbre today with Shawn, Aug and Shao Hui.

Ordered Screaming Orgasm, though it wasn't really quite as orgasmic as I thought it would be. It had really strong (too strong for my liking) alcoholic taste and aftertaste, as the fluid just burned its way down my throat.

Next up was Blue Lagoon which I ordered towards the end of our "dinner", pleasant and sweet, but too gentle. Tasted pretty much like Sprite after I left it there for about ten or so minutes.

As for food we had a total of four pizzas. Toppings namely were Roasted Duck, German Sausage and Peppers, Seafood, and Tandoori Chicken. Roasted Duck pizza was clearly tops, the seasoning sauce used was just awesome. I liked the crackers they used too. Tandoori Chicken was good too. Overall, better value-for-money than Pizza Hut.
Oh, we had the Buffalo Wings as well. That was godly. They used some sweet and sour and spicy sauce on the outside, and generally the chicken wings were fried first before coated with the sauce. Brilliant take IMO.

Prices were reasonable because we ordered most of the stuff during the Happy Hour promotion period, except for the Blue Lagoon. Didn't get to listen to the live music band performance too, shucks.
Oh well, another day perhaps.

Screaming Orgasm

Blue Lagoon

Close-up of the Blue Lagoon (Macro)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pondering and wondering;

And there I was again, in front of my dinner, chomping down rice and beef and veggies; but no, it wasn't the food that occupied my thoughts. I had something else on my mind. Something that made me afraid of myself, and my lousy character traits. Ah yes, those who knew me during my secondary school days should probably have an idea of what I'm talking about.

Well, let me recount the kind of Alex that existed almost 5 years ago, the asshole he was - one who never took anything seriously.

Relationships not spared.

Til now I have always wondered, why me and not some other tall good-looking hunky guy. Of all the boys in school which all she had to do was just pick one and get it over with, she had to choose me - some obese short boy who goofed around like an idiot. Or perhaps it was just puppy love, perhaps she was conducting some great experiment and me of course, the poor little test rat caged up and always thinking what the hell am I doing here. But I refused to believe in that. After all, even puppy love requires emotions. Nothing will surface unless you start to take a liking to somebody in your class; in my case, someone sitting just right behind you.

You approached me, dropped hints like bits and pieces of cheese and well, there is no love unless the feeling is mutual. But still, I was afraid. Afraid that our secret might be let out, afraid of what my parents would say, afraid of everything. And that somehow turned to ignorance and the me who couldn't be bothered to initiate a day together. I stayed home like a lazy bastard playing computer games all day long and replied to your calls, always longing, yet always cowering in fear.

A few months down the road, you stopped all forms of contact. In the classroom we acted like ordinary classmates. Instead of turning to the back for help you turned to the girls beside you. I was as transparent as glass. Punishment for my misdoings? Yeah definitely. But I couldn't take it. I released my feelings by doing what I did best - gaming. That probably blew the whole thing.

Some of you might still say, "bah, puppy love, nobody gives a damn and you should too." Deep down inside I'm still trying to figure out the good part of me she found, even up to this day. And she never told me.

Because I was afraid of asking her.

Fuck you, Alex.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rejoice rejoice! Only one last week of ITP left, but I'm bloody disappointed I won't be able to make it to soccer on Saturday which so coincidentally happens to be my last day.

Liverpool - 1
Chelsea - 3

Well, I suppose those were pretty much shocking results, especially following thrashing sprees except for a hard-fought victory at Fulham's home ground. Even I thought we could at least have won by a goal or two, given Chelsea's formidable form as well. Who would have thought Ivanovic was allowed to run so freely in Liverpool's penalty box and allowed to win balls in the air unchallenged. I blame Alonso and Gerrard for that. And then Riera decided to chut stunt, giving the ball away to some Chelsea player, which inadvertently resulted in the third goal, because most of the Liverpool players were breaking away for a counter-attack. Very very poor defending, tsk.

Totally crappy performance from the start of the second half to end, absolutely no fighting spirit unlike what was shown to the world in the finale of the 2005 Champions League. Where was the usual undying determination of the team branded "Comeback Kings"?

What does Rafa Benitez see in Lucas anyway? Cannot hold the ball (and he is a BLOODY MIDFIELDER!), weak, cannot shoot for fucking nuts (saw those 2 balls he "attempted" to shoot? both would have qualified as excellent clearances even by Jamie Carragher's standards). Riera was unusually lousy as well; Torres put Liverpool ahead at 6 minutes but was non-existent later on; oh wait, was Liverpool even playing?

Forgive my lengthy ranting, but I must let it be known. Just visited soccernet,

Liverpool - 4
Blackburn - 0

Why can't they produce results like this against Chelsea? Sighs.
More updates to come prolly after ITP. Sighs again.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Liverpool - 4
Real Madrid - 1

Manchester United - 1
Liverpool - 4

Aston Villa - 0
Liverpool - 5

*Smacks lips* What sweeeeeet victories, especially the second one :p
Let's hope we continue our RED hot form for the rest of the season and have the BPL trophy stay at Anfield and with the KOP.

Bring it on!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Been a long while since I last posted.

Now is time for me to rant about ITP. Posted to OG Albert Kids Style. Won't elaborate on the good stuff because well, I'm supposed to rant, heh.
Fucked up supervisor. Snatched my customers away like eight times already, EXCLUDING TWICE today in the afternoon. Makes it ten, what a nice number. What a nice little bitch she is as well. Does nothing but whine about the bad sales all day. For fuck's sake, if nobody even bothers to walk into the shop then why the hell do you sound like you're blaming me for the bad sales? Yeah she gave me a target yesterday - 300 bucks. She said if I didn't meet it she would give me ZERO for this week's grade. FUCK THAT. BECAUSE I MANAGED TO GET $300+ WITHOUT YOU STEALING MY PRECIOUS CUSTOMERS AWAY, WHY THANK YOU VERY MUCH WHORE.
No, I ain't feeling any better. Because this shit is gonna continue and last til the 18th of April. THANK GOD she will be away from tomorrow til next Tuesday, THANK F***ING GOD LOL.
Well the teeny weeny good part of my work is that at least I found someone to talk (and a couple of girls to look at too). ATB, but well, at least the stench of yesterday's dinner doesn't come out of her mouth, HAHAHA.

And finally my Dell 24-inch monitor will be delivered tomorrow. Waited for like a month for it. 24 inches of FULL 1080p HD goodness, yummy yummy. Will probably be buying a HDMI cable tomorrow, so as to take full advantage of that 1080p HD resolution.

Next, new jeans. Hopefully tomorrow as well. Levis - 2 pairs of jeans for $199.90 promotion. Both for myself, probably, unless my brother wants a pair of 519 skinny jeans. Speaking of which, I'm gonna try and squeeze my ample amount of fats and lard (no offence to my Muslim brothers lol) into the skinnies as well. Just pray the seams don't burst. If they do, they are not Levis jeans.

Big reasons to rejoice for the KOP, because Chelsea and Man U lost! WOOO, it's time for the Reds to reclaim the top spot of the table! Torres and Gerrard, I choose you!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


ITP time! waited for like forever at jaygee before we got started on the briefing and posting and stuff.

'kay, 'nuff words, time for the pictures to talk. as edmw-ers so often say, :)

yep, aka internship/attachmentclouds (damn those disgusting tape remainders)more clouds, except they are dark this time (bloody reflections)random macro shot

first day at work was today. stood and stood and stood. most shoppers dont even bother looking at the products we have in store, except for a handful (less than 10 during the time i was tending the store).

me: "hello good morning/afternoon sir/madam, how may i help you?" *smiles*
customer: "oh just looking." *walks away briskly*

what makes it worse is that there were no promotions going on. even if there were, they were not big enough to make customers heads turn. which kinda explained the pathetic sales.

afternoon shift tomorrow, which means i get to sleep late today, but no fucking way - im bloody tired.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

FUCKING YEAH. exams are over - sweet.
got my new rig setup today from sim lim sq. still waiting for my dell 24-inch monitor to arrive, cant wait sia!bored. extremely bored. which resulted in all the three photos taken above. look at the time on the clock - close to 2am, not 2 in the afternoon mind you. well actually i was just trying out the macro function of my samsung pixon.

right, regarding exams... i must say my batch has been pretty fortunate so far. 4 papers in total, and the last 3, namely mechanics 2, aeis and app1 were actually rather easy to handle. the only one i had difficulty with was lav, but still im confident of passing that diploma plus module. heh.

anyway i just hope i can attain a gpa of about 3.4 - 3.5 this semester.

okay, off to dinner and a night filled with dota then.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

this is what goes on during cem lessons.

more random pictures.

Monday, January 26, 2009

nothing's nothing than letting your hair down on the night of chinese new year eve - staying up late, having a glass of vodka and shooting the hell out of zombies in l4d.


Klassik Q Vodka Raspberry flavour
not a bad drink, tastes a lil like medicine though.
off to dota, cya.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

cny hoots :)

went to vivocity for shopping yesterday night.

what can i say, it was sooo damn bloody close to being another fruitless shopping trip, but i decided to buy on an impulse at the last minute.

shirt from GAP, $64, original price $95berms from FRESHBOX, $39,90
both buys were really last minute, where most of the shops were already closed and while trying on the berms in one of the freshbox changing rooms i actually perspired because the air-conditioning was switched off already, lol.

one of my friends told me people with bigger sizes should look good in checkered shirts so i decided to try it on, and quite liked it, so yeah, just chiong la. besides, a $30 discount from the original price tag was very tempting.

that's it for my cny shopping, guess i am rather satisfied with what i have bought so far. oh ya, i'm still looking for jackets/sweaters. looking for something that's blue in colour.

Friday, January 23, 2009

ah the smell and taste of bak kwa... i had nearly forgotten. it's been too long, even if the one year felt like it sprinted past me in a flash. i could have done this at the beginning of the new year, but i guess i was simply in too good a mood to question myself - what i've done, for the past year or so.

yes i admit i have done practically nothing (not surprising actually). fuck it. i guess when there's nothing to do at home you sort of ponder about those things huh. and then you startle yourself and wonder how those "emo" thoughts wander into your mind and cause confusion. great, i congratulate me for making myself feel guilthy and depressed. gah, this shit's demoralising me and i ain't gonna let it take me down further.

on to some school stuff.
took a couple of photos of the cessna plane at aerolab 2 today, they were supposed to be used for the modelling of the plane itself using the program called catia (sounds familar? yes it should be).but in the end we decided to use drawings (blueprints? dunno) instead of photos, so yeah, that's that.

just imagine, using the catia software to do the framework i.e. longerons and skin, and this assignment carries a weightage of ONLY 15%. bloody bollocks.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"incoming attack!"




Left4Dead - zombies fuck the shit outta ya. orly? yarly. _|_ (^o^) _|_

Saturday, January 10, 2009

as "promised", an update. won't be a really long one because i may have forgotten about the details but let me try my best to recall the christmas and new year periods.

24 december 2008 - christmas eve
went to marina square with shaohui to shop. actually we already had the item we wanted in our minds so we just set off for a shop named fourskin, and each of us bought a slim cut pants (or more appropriately, shorts), black in colour, for $49.
went over to suntec and discovered a new version of maximum tune 3. not entirely a new version, but more of an upgrade - max tune 3dx. new cars like the mitsubishi lancer evolution x (evo10 or e10 in short), subaru impreza wrx sti (the hunchback one), and one other car which i have cleanly forgotten. didn't get to play though, because it was really expensive, so we told ourselves to do so some other time, together with aug.

mrt-ed all the way to boon lay to meet with my friends while sh went elsewhere to meet his. was looking everywhere for mel but she was the one to find me in the end. sorry, you really too short, i didn't even noticed until you tapped me on my arm LOL. so we waited and waited for the guys to reach (before this they were at jurong swimming complex enjoying themselves, i didn't join them, i dislike swimming heh). so after they reached, we talked cock and walked to the bus interchange and boarded some bus to a neighbourhood coffee shop which sells zi cha. had dinner there, food was decent enough, and i was happy as long as there was something to fill my stomach with. it was cheap too, $10 per person, and we had 12 people there.

at this point after the dinner, we wasted a LOT of time pondering our next move. where to go, what to do, etc. so we finally decided, and that is taking a walk from buona vista mrt to kent ridge park, then all the way to mount faber, and to harbourfront mrt which would bring us back home. sounded like a real good plan. so we walked. and walked. and walked. it was almost close to 2 hours before we found a sign that said kent ridge park. and we continued walking. til we got to a split path. took the right one (as in, literally the right one) and found ourselves walking on a road not long after. turns out, we had made a wrong turn, but we were tired, so decided not to turn back, and walked all the way to pasir panjang road which would lead us to harbourfront mrt.

along the way, as we were nearing a petrol station, a police van went past us and stopped at the entrance. out came 7 or 8 police officers and they ordered us to stand in a straight line, demanding our ICs. we gave it to them, and they asked us a several questions, including a couple of lame ones, like why i joined the airforce instead of the police force (-.-"). we told them we were on a night hike, and they just came from vivocity's countdown event and moving around to ensure nothing happens in the vicinity.
AND THEN... and then, right at the stroke of midnight, they wished us Merry Christmas and then drove off. it was an unexpected surprise; what a bloody coincidence. i mean, they couldn't be any more accurate, HAH.

31 december 2008 to 1 january 2009 - new year eve & new year day
went to school as usual in the morning, but it was a half-day so the lessons ended at 12noon. all of a sudden, just right after my lessons ended, i received a call. "1.30pm... meet dhoby ghaut mrt..."
when i got there, some of the guys have already reached. i enquired what we were gonna do. i got clueless faces back for an answer. okay... so we went over to the cathay to wait for the others to arrive, they were suggesting a movie. took a look at the movie listings. twilight - bloody chick flick, no thanks; ponyo - selling fast and sold out in a flash; yes man - never really looked appealing; australia - what the hell is this about? so yeap, that kinda summed up what we felt on that day. so when the 2 late guys arrived, we changed our minds and went over to paradiz for lan. but before that, some of us desperately needed lunch, so it was off to macdonalds.

after finishing the meal we just sat there and lazed. and out of the blue, my friend asked, "HEY... how about coming over to my house for bbq action?"
it was a brilliant idea. right after spamming our handphones informing others about our plan of action, we walked back to plaza singapura's carrefour and did some shopping for bbq food and necessities. tiring but nevertheless it was a fun process, no wonder some mothers LOVE going to the supermarkets LOL.

so after shopping was done, it was off to quek's house! ain't gonna describe everything but it took quite some time to eventually get the fire started (using huge aluminum trays as the bbq pit) and take the first bite of food. but we wouldn't have been able to if not for quek's parents, who helped us out alot, hah. so there were like 2 main groups of people there. one group was playing mahjong while we fed them with food (rofl), while the other was there cooking the food. i sort of drifted between both groups, lol. after midnight, everybody grew tired, and those doing the bbq went into the house to play the ps3, while those playing mahjong previously busied themselves with the food and bbq. then when most of the food was gone and finished, leaving behind several sticks of satay still uneaten, i went out to finish the job. it was never completed though LOL.

then we had soccer at a nearby basketball court. it was thrilling because we played in darkness. it wasn't entirely pitch black, thanks to abit of light coming from the shelter next to it, but still, it was one hell of an experience. goddamn it was sure fun. played from about 4am to 5.30am, went back to quek's house, cleaned up, a couple went to bathe while the rest played the ps3 again. then we went home as soon as everyone was ready to go off.

the most enjoyable outing with my peeps so far. it shall be marked. :)

right, on to more recent stuff. got a couple of new tee-shirts and polo tees, cheap and good ones from Giordano etc.

my first gym sessions since months made my muscles so sore i was fucking limited in my movement, but after about a week i was back to normal again. can still feel a little abit of stretch at some parts of my body though.

got my samsung PIXON on friday night! they finally called me after i waited for 5 days. cost me $538 with a 2-year singtel classic plan, damn heart pain la. :( nevertheless, it's a worthy buy! 8mp camera goodness, mmm... time for some seriouz camwhore shiz man LOL. pictures coming right up (none of the actual phone itself though, just a few of the box and stuff).

Sunday, January 4, 2009

will update about everything that happened during the christmas and new year periods as soon as i get back from my gym session.

yes you got that right suckers, GYM.